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Meghan Leahy

A toddler learns about lying

Q: My almost-3-year-old is starting to figure out that he can lie when asked if he ripped the book, threw the food, hit his brother, etc. Totally normal, I know. How do we respond? I don’t w...

About birds and bees and PG-13s

Q: Can you suggest a response to a 6-year-old who has read the rating information for a PG-13 (I think) movie and asks, “What are ‘sexual situations’?” A: This is life handing you...

Great moments in parenting: First dirty word

Q: My 5-year-old son innocently asked me the other day, “What does ‘f---’ mean?” My heart sank as I replied, “Where did you hear that word?” He said that the neighborhood boys had been singi...

Forgo the morning dressing-down

Q: My wife and I have been having quite a struggle dressing our 2-year-old daughter in the morning and getting her moving. We’re not sure if she’s just simply not a morning person or if ther...

Bathroom becomes a battleground for this preschooler

Q: My 4-year-old grandson refuses to use the toilet to poop. He does it on purpose to get back at his parents. He has an 11-month-old sister. He has always been strong-willed toward his pare...

To bring out this little one's sisterly love, we'll need pest control

Q: I am an only child, so I do not understand this sibling thing. My two kids (a boy, 7, and a girl, 5) are friends, but they argue and pester each other. Mostly, in my opinion, Little Siste...

Don't deny that hitting feels good. Find a better target.

Q: My toddler has started hitting when he gets frustrated or is feeling ignored or just thinks it might be fun. What are some techniques I can try to make him understand that this isn’t OK? ...

No one wins in a power struggle with a 3-year-old

Q: We have four children, ages 5, 3½, 2 and 2 months old. Our 5-year-old responded well to clear expectations, praise and, when needed, timeout. Our 3-year-old would (most of the time) rathe...

Turn separation anxiety into reunion assurance

Q: I have a very attached 4-year-old who has a difficult time saying goodbye to me. It is getting a bit better but the school drop-off is still an issue. I tried an idea you wrote about and ...

Parenting Q&A: When constantly saying ‘no’ means woe

I have a tendency to always answer my kids “no” when they ask me things. “Mom, can I have ice cream again?” “Mom, can we go to the movies?” “Mom, can I watch TV?” I am so used to being pushe...

When a perfectionist storm is a regular thing

My 7-year-old daughter is bright enough that many things come pretty easily for her, but when they don’t, she gets frustrated and quits. She won’t practice or work at anything because she’s...

Parents ask: How do we handle the odd girl out?

My 11-year-old daughter has been friends with a pair of twins since kindergarten. She has more in common and fun with one than the other and so would like to invite her to things without the...